Anahit Petrosyan

From childhood she dreamed of dancing and singing but, after getting marriedat a very young age, her dreams were grounded when her husband forbade her to follow her passions. She gave up her ambitions in order to be a wife and a mother but that also had its heartbreaks. She gave birth to eight children, seven of which died soon after birth and the only child she was able to bring up died at the age of 16 as a result of a tragic accident. Later she also lost her husband. Now, all alone, she locks herself in her house, to isolate herself from society. She and her home had stayed in a state of grief since the death of her son. She hadn’t moved or cleaned anything in her home to keep the memory of her son alive through the fingerprints that still mark the walls.
But now, due to The Chosen Ones, her childhood dreams seem to be coming true. It was hard for her to decide to dance at first but she understood that it was her one chance to connect to society again. Now, after many years of self-imposed isolation, she has friends and goes out to experience the world outside of her home and the cemetery of her loved ones. Her newfound friends are there to help her renovate her home to help her let go of the dark memories that haunt her there.